Knot magic: woven protection bracelet
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Note: This article was originally published by @gritchenwitch on Instagram. To learn about me and my practice, including more info on folk witchcraft, mountain magic, knot work, and hearthcraft, please visit or join my Patreon at
Here’s how to make a woven ladder bracelet, an easy (and beautiful) method for practicing knot magic.🌿
This pattern is especially simple—perfect for knotwork since you can quickly fall into a rhythm. While you might recite the traditional charm (“with knot of one, the spell's begun, with knot of two, the spell be true…”), I prefer focusing on energy for longer workings.
One technique is to first choose your intent (love, protection, binding, etc.) and focus on this theme. Next, associate your intent with a word (i.e. for ‘love,’ maybe it’s a particular name). As you weave, occasionally whisper your word (which is also helpful if distracted).
(I’m going to dive deeper into knot magic techniques with patrons this year.)
You’ll find a corresponding reel on my page if you get tripped up.
Start by choosing three cords (I like cotton embroidery thread). Cut each to 50 inches (this is enough for a single wrap + wiggle room for length). Tie them together with a basic overhand knot and tape to your surface.
Braid the three strands for about an inch (this makes tying easier, but isn't necessary). Alternatively, you can attach a clasp.
Select your first color and place this string on the far left. Create a loop by laying this string over top of the other 2, forming the shape of a “4.” Now take the tail of your main string and lace it back under the other strings, pulling through the loop. Pull the tail gently upward toward the top as you keep the other strings pulled downward for tension. The knot will rise all the way up.
Continue weaving and accumulating knots, which will naturally form a spiral (allow your knots to be wonky—when employing knot magic, I think it’s better to show your work). Once you’re satisfied with the length of color, simply move a different cord to the left and keep going. (You could count the knots to keep it even, but I just eyeball).
When finished, add a few more braids and tie a final knot. Depending on intent, you could wear, gift, or bury your ladder.