Halloween altar tour 2021 RachelJanuary 16, 2023folk witch, green witch, kitchen witch, witch altar, witch how to, altar, witchcraft
Knotwork spell RachelJanuary 16, 2023folk witch, folk magic, spells, witchy things, witch history, knot magic, wheel of the year
The Wellington witch's ladder RachelJanuary 15, 2023folk magic, folk witch, folklore, green witch, knot magic, wheel of the year, witchcraft, witch history
Apple cake and offerings RachelJanuary 15, 2023folk witch, folk magic, green witch, kitchen witch, hearth witch, samhain, witchcraft, wheel of the year, pittsburgh artist, baking
The Legend of the Christmas Spiders RachelDecember 12, 2021crafts, witchcraft, folklore, gritchenwitch, green witch, house witch, hearth witch
Midsummer Ritual Part 3: Moon Water Cookies RachelJuly 3, 2021midsummer, litha, witchcraft, ritual, hearthcraft, witch, witchy things, gritchen witch, pagan, full moon, green witch, kitchen witch, hearth witch, spellwork, cookies, recipe
Midsummer Ritual Part 2: Witch's Ladder RachelJune 28, 2021midsummer, litha, witchcraft, ritual, hearthcraft, witch, witchy things, gritchen witch, pagan, full moon, green witch, kitchen witch, hearth witch, cordwork, cord magic, knot magic, spellwork, witchs ladder, cross stitch
Midsummer Ritual Part 1: Summer Simmer Pot RachelJune 28, 2021midsummer, litha, witchcraft, ritual, hearthcraft, witch, witchy things, gritchen witch, pagan, full moon, green witch, kitchen witch, hearth witch