New witchcraft and occult book releases: Fall 2022 RachelFebruary 20, 2023folk magic, book stack, witchcraft, tarot, folk witch, book recs, witchcraft books, green witch, seanse, seance, divination, new books, spiritualism, herbalism
Fall divination RachelFebruary 16, 2023witchcraft, divination, oracle, oracle cards, tarot, folk witch, folk magic, autumn, rachel samek, mabon, halloween
New witchcraft and occult book releases: Summer 2022 RachelFebruary 14, 2023book stack, witchcraft books, occult book, book recs, witchcraft, folk magic, tarot, kitchen witch, folk witch
Personality and soul cards in tarot RachelJanuary 18, 2023tarot, divination, witchcraft, folk witch, folk magic, green witch, kitchen witch, oracle, the empress, altar, gritchenwitch